Remembrance Service 2024
Remembrance Service 2024
Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Remembrance Day this year will be on Sunday 10th November, As usual the Group will be attending the service at Rownhams St John’s Church. Unless there is a good reason why it’s not possible, all members of the Group are expected to attend.
Date: Sunday 10th November 2024
Place: Rownhams St John’s Church, Horns Drove, Rownhams, SO16 8AH
Start time: Be at the church by 9.45am, we will go into the church promptly at 9.50am
Finish time: Approximately 11.15am, outside the church
Other information:
Smart uniform please. If possible wear a poppy on the left breast, above the World Membership Badge. No coats to be worn in the church – partly to help us look smart, partly to save space (the church will be packed). Leave coats with parents or at the back of the church.
Free-will offering: During the service a collection will be made for the work of the church. If you wish to contribute please bring some change. On the day we will choose a couple of older Cubs or Scouts to help take the collection.
Section leaders will soon be selecting young people to carry the flags (all sections), do Bible readings (two Scouts) or read prayers (x2 Cubs x2 Beavers and x2 Squirrels from each section). A rehearsal for these young people will be held at the church between 6.00pm and 7.00pm – Date tbc.
Cam Beale
(Group Scout Leader)