Adult Training
An introduction to the adult training scheme
Our adult training is designed to ensure that everyone that is volunteering with us has the skills they need to carry out their role effectively. It is also designed to ensure the delivery of high quality, safe, sound and exciting scouting to our members.
If you have any questions about training please contact Cam ( or the District’s Local Training Manager or your TA. who will be able to help you.
The facts about our adult training scheme…
Scouting is dedicated to the development of young people. Each week hundreds of adults volunteer in a variety of roles, helping to achieve this aim. Whilst our primary purpose is the development of young people, we also seek to offer personal development opportunities to adults, both within their scouting role and as individuals. Our adult training scheme is one means by which you can be supported in your chosen role and help you to meet your personal development needs.
To help you through the process of completing training you will be linked with one or more Training Advisers. Training Advisers are responsible for helping you match your existing skills with those of your role, for identifying any skills gaps you may have, for agreeing plans with you to gaining the skills you require and for confirming that those skills have been successfully gained.
All adults taking on an appointment in scouting are required to show that they have the skills needed for the role. Our Adult Training Scheme is make up of a number of modules and details of what training is required for different appointments can be found in the module matrix.
We recognise there may be learning and skills that you have gained through your life experiences, and our training is designed to complement these with further opportunities to enhance your individual skills.
Training is any learning activity that helps you to gain skills, knowledge or values. The most beneficial training, as far as the scouts is concerned, is that which helps you to fulfil your scouting role more easily and with increasing success.
We aim to make training accessible to all, regardless of geography, education, personal circumstances or special needs. Our training is also designed to provide opportunities to enable you to interact and share your experiences with other volunteers.
Validation is the process of finding out if you are able to put the learning covered by a module into practice in your role in Scouting. All modules for your role require validating regardless of whether you have gained the skills from previous experience or by planned learning.
The facts about section leader and section supporters training
This training is for:
- Beaver Scout Leaders
- Assistant Beaver Scout Leaders
- Cub Scout Leaders
- Assistant Cub Scout Leaders
- Scout Leaders
- Assistant Scout Leaders
- Explorer Scout Leaders
- Assistant Explorer Scout Leaders
- Explorer Scout Leaders (Young Leader)
- County Leaders, District Leaders
- County Leaders (Section)
- District Leaders (Section)
Each subject (module or training), has a fixed requirement. There are a number of validation methods for you to select from. Validation methods are simple and effective and should always be something that you do as part of your normal role. The focus should be on you ‘doing something’ and this will often be backed up by discussion. Validation should not be seen as an exam – it is a positive experience in which you will receive supportive feedback.
All adults in scouting have a requirement and an opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge through the Scout Association’s national adult training scheme.
The scheme is designed to support you, so the training provided is relevant and tailored to what you do in scouting.
It also recognises there may be learning and skills that you have gained through work and life experiences, and the scheme is designed to complement these with further opportunities to enhance your skills.
The training and development opportunities available range from skills-based training such as first aid, risk assessment, safeguarding and public relations through to experience in leadership, management, communication, organisation, safeguarding, executive training and experience of working with young people.
Learners are expected to complete their wood badge training within 3 years, from the date of full appointment.
How it works
The training scheme is made up of a series of modules that cover each of the different development areas. It is a UK-wide scheme for scouting, so the training you complete in one place will be recognised in another.
Prior learning, knowledge and experience are also recognised as forms of learning and are valued within the Adult Training Scheme. This means that learning may not need to be completed for every aspect of training. This is especially so if you can clearly show that you are able to meet the module objectives by demonstrating your skills in your scouting role through the validation process.
The scheme is made-up of 38 modules and different roles have the need to a complete different combination of modules.
The modules that section leaders need to complete are:
Getting Started Training
- Module 1: Essential Information
- Module 2: Personal Learning Plan
- Safety
- Safeguarding
- The General Data Protection Regulation Awareness
- Module 3: Tools for the role (section leaders)
And, if you also sit on a executive committee (at any level) you also need to complete:
- Introduction to being a trustee
Core training for all appointments
- Module 05: Fundamentals of scouting
- Module 07: Scouting for all
- Module 08: Skills of leadership
- Module 09: Working with adults
- Module 10: First aid
- Module 11: Administration
- Module 12A: Delivering a quality programme
Core training for section leaders
- Module 12B: Programme planning
- Module 13: Growing the section
- Module 14: Supporting young people
- Module 15: Promoting positive behaviour
- Module 16: Introduction to residential experiences
- Module 17: Running safe activities
- Module 18: Practical skills
- Module 19: International scouting
Ongoing learning
Ongoing learning, or ongoing training, is essentially any training, learning or development your complete that your subsequently use in your scouting role. It can take place both inside and outside scouting, but must ultimately benefit the young people, and the other adults your work with in scouting.
Following the completion of your Wood Badge, you are required to undertake some ongoing learning in order to maintain your appointment as current. Over the calculated period of the appointment, you must complete an average of five hours ongoing learning each year.
Ongoing learning can come from a variety of sources and could be in the form of:
- additional modules from the adult training scheme, for example a attending module 28 (presenting skills)
- training within The Scout Association but outside of the adult training scheme, for example, an Activity Assessor course or an ongoing learning module
- training completed outside of scouting, for example evening classes that provide you with new talents that can be of use to you in your scouting role, an IT class for example
- an external qualification in a practical skill such as archery.
On occasion, usually due to major policy or legal changes, UKHQ may specify particular compulsory ongoing learning topics for a fixed period. On such occasions Headquarters will make training material and support documentation available.
Mandatory ongoing Learning
Mandatory ongoing learning (to be completed 3 year after the original topic was completed as part of your Wood Badge training)
Although the on-going learning hours you are required to complete each year can be any number of things, there are also some specific on-going learning requirements which adults who hold an appointment for which an appointment review is required must complete.
There is currently two specific pieces of mandatory on-going learning which need to be completed 3 years after completing Getting Started Training and then every 3 years:
First aid and first response training
As a Leader, you must hold a current first aid qualification at the time of gaining your Wood Badge and at the time of your appointment renewal. However, they are encouraged to keep their qualification up to date at all times.
The minimum standard for this qualification is First Response, but higher levels of qualification are needed if delivering first aid training or leading certain kinds of adventurous activities. This provision will ensure a minimum standard of first aid knowledge and training across the Movement.
More information on First Response, the Refresher, requirements and equivalents can be found on our First Aid and First Response pages.
Essential Information Training
Essential Information is great training for all adults involved in Scouts as it provides information on Scouts history, our fundamentals such as the Promise and Law, how to keep everyone safe and more about our structure and how Scouts are inclusive.
It’s independent learning, so you don’t have to attend a course to complete it.
Who should complete the training?
Almost all volunteers in Scouts need to complete this training. You can check the Appointments: Table 2 document which lists all roles and their training requirements to see if you are required to complete it.
What does this training include?
There are five lessons in the module and an assessment at the end. You’ll need to score 100% in the assessment to unlock the certificate of completion.
What are the training objectives?
By doing this e-learning, you’ll:
- Understand the basics of Scouts’ volunteer training scheme.
- Learn about our movement’s history
- Explore the fundamentals of Scouts and how to bring them to life.
- Understand the importance of the Safety and Safeguarding policies in keeping people safe while in the Scouts.
- Learn about our structure, and find out where you fit within Scouts and the support that’s available
- Understand the Equal Opportunities policy, and how to make sure every member feels included and able to fully participate in Scouts.
Essential Information (Module 1)
The Essential Information e-learning includes one learning module and one assessment. This is an independent e-learning as part of the ‘getting started modules’ and does not require validation by a Training Adviser.. To pass, you’ll need to score 100…
Safety Training
Doing things safely is fundamental to everything we do in Scouting. The Safety training ensures that you understand your responsibilities for keeping everyone in Scouts safe and how to assess and manage risk.
It’s important that Safety training is completed within the first five months of your role start date (as recorded on Compass) and then kept up to date. It’s required to be renewed every three years.
It’s independent learning, so you don’t have to attend a course to complete it.
Who should complete the training?
You can find out if your role is required to complete Safety training by checking Appointments: Table 2 in POR.
If you’ve completed the Safety training you can find out when your renewal date is from the mandatory ongoing learning tab in your training profile in Compass.
What does this training include?
There are five lessons in the module and an assessment at the end. You’ll need to score 100% in the assessment to unlock the certificate of completion.
We’ve produced an e-learning reference guide to the content of the Safety Mandatory Ongoing Learning. This guide can be used for reference before, during or after you do the e-learning.
What are the training objectives?
By doing this e-learning, you’ll:
- Understand the Safety Policy and your responsibilities for keeping young people and adults in our movement safe.
- Be able to demonstrate how to assess and manage risk.
- Understand the role of the leader in charge.
- Know what to do in an emergency, and how to report incidents and near misses.
- Know where to access safety resources, activity rules and guidance for the safe management of activities.
This Safety Independent e-learning includes one learning module and one assessment. This is an independent e-learning as part of the ‘getting started modules’ and does not require validation by a Training Adviser. Safety is a mandatory ongoing learn…
Safeguarding Training
As adults in Scouts, the safety of young people is our priority. The Safeguarding training ensures that you understand how to keep young people and adults safe in Scouts and includes how to recognise abuse and report concerns.
It’s important that Safeguarding training is completed within the first five months of your role start date (as recorded on Compass) and then kept up to date. It is required to be renewed every three years.
It’s independent learning, so you don’t have to attend a course to complete it.
Who should take the training?
Appointments: Table 2 in POR.
If you’ve completed the Safety training you can find out when your renewal date is from the mandatory ongoing learning tab in your training profile in Compass.
What’s included in the training?
There are five lessons in the module and an assessment at the end. You’ll need to score 100% in the assessment to unlock the certificate of completion.
We’ve produced a reference guide to the content of the Safeguarding Mandatory Ongoing Learning. This guide can be used for reference before, during or after you do the e-learning, read the guide.
What are the training objectives?
By doing this e-learning, you’ll:
- understand the Safeguarding Policy and how to keep young people and adults at risk safe
- understand the Young People First Safeguarding Card Code of Practice (Yellow Card)
- know how to recognise abuse
- know how to report concerns
- know what to do to keep Scouts safe
Safeguarding Training
GDPR Training is a mandatory module for all appointments. It covers the basic information that individual’s need to know in relation to the General Data Protection Regulations, what this means for their role and for Scouting and how to effectively align with it.
Topics covered:
- Personal Data
- Individuals’ rights
- Consent
- Accountability & Governance
Learning methods available:
E-learning, GDPR training is only available as e-learning. This e-learning will function on a range of systems and devices, detailed in these e-learning FAQ’s.
Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) is a mandatory module for Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants. It covers the basic information on the individual’s role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.
Topics covered:
- Features of the section
- Roles with in the section
- Using activities and games
- Youth shaped Scouting
- Promoting positive behaviour
Learning methods available:
- Course
- Small group
- One to one
- E-learning
- Course, small group or one-to-one
Module 3 is available to be completed as a course, in a small group or one to one. Please contact your local training team or speak to your Training Adviser for more information, including dates of local courses.
Module 3 is also available as e-learning. This e-learning will function on a range of systems and devices, detailed in these e-learning FAQ’s.
Hampshire Scouts First Response
Anyone holding a wood badge role needs to hold a current First Response certificate or equivalent. If you need a 2 day first aid for adventurous activities you can find details of the next course here: ITC First Aid 19/20 March 2022.
We run the six hour first response which comprises two elements:
- Module 10A – First Aid theory which covers the first aid theory. This module allows you to be a first aider in Scouting during COVID19. This can be run face to face or online.
- Module 10B – First Aid practical is a short 15 minute session covering assessment of a casualty and CPR. This is run face to face only.
- Completed a first aid certificate outside of Scouting? Just complete a short e-learning to cover the remaining topics
Needed for First Response:
- Emergency First Aid at Work (1 day)
- First Aid at Work (2 or 3 day)
- Child First Aid courses