January 2012 – Update
A belated thank you to everyone who attended and helped with the Senior Citizens Party before Christmas.
Please refer to the Calendar Pages for upcoming events.
On June 4th Scouts will be taking part in the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, both during the day time events and also at the lighting of the Toothill Beacon in the evening. In addition Scouts also intend to arrange a party or some entertainment for all the young children in Scouting to celebrate the Jubilee, although the final details are yet to be finalised.
Scouts are always looking to have recruit new adult helpers. If anyone else feels that they have some time and motivation to help, please contact the Group Scout Leader for more information: Derek on 023 80739484.
There is a waiting list for Beavers, which welcomes both girls and boys aged 6 to 8. If you would like to put your child’s name down please contact our waiting list secretary Kerrie on 023 80495026. It is never too early!
Senior Citizens Party organiser: Stephen on 023 80735388