Cub Summer Camp 2014
What a fantastic few days we have had!
On Saturday we arrived on site, putting up tents etc, later the cubs arrived full of excitement and energy. The cubs had an opportunity to help put up there own tents to gain more of an understanding on how we put tents up for when they move on to Scouts. Later in the evening we had a lovely meal which everyone enjoyed, after dinner we then organised a wide game to tire the cubs out, after a tiring afternoon the cubs were sent to bed at 21:30 full of excitement meaning they didnt go to sleep for what seemed like a long time.
On sunday we organised bases such as, den building, archery and the blind trail this was enjoyed by leaders and cubs alike. Well done to Joshua, Sullivan and Chris for having the sturdiest den. After the morning activities we had some free time where the cubs could relax, play games, read books etc. The afternoon activities commenced soon after this involved Air Rifle shooting with Steve and Tina, we thank Steve very much for coming and allowing the cubs to experience the discipline of shooting. This was thoroughly enjoyed. Later in the evening we cooked our own pizzas in cardboard ovens this was a success all in all.
Monday kicked off at 9:30 splitting the cubs into their groups for the day, Group one went fishing with Bagheera and Raksha, while Group two stayed on site with Akala and Tina who organised a gun run and water rockets. At lunch we all met up back at camp to each with lots of stories to share. After lunch the groups swapped activities. Over all both groups caught a brilliant amount of fish, the coaches were really impressed and said “They are a credit to you” so we thank all the cubs involved for being superstars. Later when group two came back we indulged in a BBQ thanks to Terry and Jean, while finishing dinner Bagheera went to light the fire, managing to set a lot of the grass on fire too. After Dinner Parents arrived and joined us with camp fire festivities which was enjoyed by parents, leaders and cubs alike. Thank you parents for a brilliant turn out it was lovely to see you all. After a very busy day the cubs went to bed at 21:15 and there was complete silence in camp from 21:30.
Last day of camp! Well we kicked off the day with breakfast ready for the tiring job of packing away camp, Well done to all the cubs for helping tidy away, this made the job a lot more easier. We then closed camp with an awards ceremony well done to all who got an award.
Lastly THANK YOU TO ALL THE LEADERS AND HELPERS! This camp could not have happened with out you.
A special THANK YOU! to Jean who cooked for us for the whole weekend, to make sure we didn’t go hungry.
Also Thank you Broadlands Lake for allowing us to camp on there, we will look forward to next year!